Monday, February 25, 2013

36 Weeks!

Same outfit, different week. Only so much fits these days...

How far along? 36 weeks, 5 days.

Total weight gain/loss: 37 lbs....and feeling every bit of it. 

Maternity clothes? I must admit, I am quite proud that I can still mix a few non-maternity pieces in. And by few, I mean exactly 3 things! 2 pairs of yoga pants, and a black maxi skirt. Although surely they will all be nice and stretched out post-pregnancy.

Stretch marks? The beginnings of two have been spotted....on both sides, precisely where I haven't been oiling...go figure! yuck! 

Sleep: Terrible, horrible, awful... and any other definition you can think of!

Best moment this week: Yesterday I got to celebrate my newest niece, Eliana Rose, and my fellow fabulous preggo/BFF, Brittany, at a "Sprinkle" in her honor. It was so much fun! And I feel so lucky to be able to go through this with my very best friend! It's also her 2nd baby, so its been so nice to be able to vent and pick her brain for advice. 


Miss Anything? Mimosas, Bloody Mary' name it, they were flowing yesterday and I wish I could have partaken!

 Movement:Tons! Mainly in my ribcage! Thanks Sailor! 

Food cravings: Nothing in particular, just eating like a hog. Trying to avoid acid reflux at all cost (Impossible! The other day I woke up with it! I hadn't even eaten anything yet!!)

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.

Gender: Girl!

Labor Signs: No. Doc says I'm completely closed! Which is good if you're having a C-section, as I am.

Belly Button in or out? Flat

Wedding rings on or off? Off! I wonder if my size 4 wedding bands will ever fit again? 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, and Happy. So happy and excited that it is getting so close! I am SO READY. But if I am going to be completely candid, I am a nervous wreck about the c-section. I thought I'd be fine, but the closer it gets, the more I want to throw up and cry just thinking about it. I honestly feel so calm and at peace about officially being a mom and taking care of the baby, but I just can't get past the terror of surgery and the unexpected. Prayer has been helping though. Join me?

Looking forward to: My precious baby girl.

Grow Strong my little Honey Dew!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

34 Weeks!

How far along? 34 Weeks, 4 days. 

Total weight gain/loss: Drum roll please... 35 lbs. So much for meeting any kind of a weight goal...guess I can't control everything!

Maternity clothes? All day everyday. I know it must be getting close to the end of the road when some of my maternity clothes start getting snug...

Stretch marks? None spotted yet, but I've been told not to get too excited...they often show up in the last couple weeks.

Sleep: Sucks! Sucks! Sucks!  Sorry if I am a little grumpy due to lack of sleep!

Best moment this week:  Yesterday my dad and step-mom threw us the most wonderful NOLA-themed family baby shower! It was so great to see a bunch of my family, and my in-laws even made the trip from Arkansas too. The cutest thing about the whole shower was that everyone's present was themed for a place in NOLA that we could take Sailor one day! If we guessed it right, the person who bought the gift won a prize! We loved it! And thanks to my clever hubby, everyone got their prize!
 Daddy and Mama Deb (Or soon-to-be- Grandpa and Na-Ne)
 Wonderful in-laws!
Miss Anything? Well, the champagne was flowing at the shower, a glass or two of that would have been nice! 

Movement:Tons! She's starting to pack quite the punch! But if that means a healthy baby girl, consider me a punching bag :-)

Food cravings: With Mardi Gras just a few days away, I'd have to say king cake has been mighty good to me this season!

Anything making you queasy or sick: No, but lately I've gotten a little carried away with the spicy food again, and consequently, my heartburn/acid reflux is back in full effect :-/

Gender: Girl!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? Flat

Wedding rings on or off? Off! 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, a little stressed, after all, only a truly insane person would enter into her last semester of the teacher-certification process 8 months pregnant! I don't know what I was thinking enrolling, but my teachers have been very understanding and accommodating thus far, so lets just hope that continues! 

Looking forward to: My beautiful baby girl!

Grow Strong my little butternut squash!


More Nursery Progress...

 Made by her daddy :-D
 My wonderfully talented mommy made all her bedding, and a cute diaper stacker!