Monday, September 16, 2013

The Past Five Months in Pictures

So, I guess keeping up with this blog isn't so easy once you actually have an infant....(And I thought it was hard keeping up while pregnant...HA!)

Here are some of my very favorite pictures from the last 5 months...

1 month (Sorry I am SO not an artist when it comes to the chalkboard!)
 We called this "lockjaw." She used to do it when she was full.

Baby Dedication Day!

 Sailor and her wonderful Godparents, and Will and I with our beautiful god-daughter, Eliana Rose

2 Months

 Memorial Day (Obviously so amused!)

 3 Months (She suddenly got so chubby :-))

4 Months
5 Months
 First time in her highchair
 First Saints Game! WHO DAT!

 Photo shoots have gotten progressively harder since shes started rolling over!

 First time having cereal...
And this is how monthly photo shoots go these days...

Practicing sitting up...
And down she goes....practice makes perfect!
First time for Avocado!
 Sailor is such a funny baby! Most of the time she's very serious, and it often takes a lot of effort to get her to crack a smile or laugh....but oh man! When she does, it will rock your world. She is such a Daddy's girl, when he comes in from work, I'm like chopped liver! But I truly love watching them interact, it is the sweetest thing I have ever seen!

Other tidbits about my little love:

She sleeps very well, often 9-8am (knock on wood!)
But only at home! She NEVER sleeps while we're out, she's much too nosy!
Shes definitely a spitter. Make sure you have a burp cloth at all times with this one, shes always eager to give you a little extra "sugar" :-)
She loves to yell and squeal (mainly in the middle of church, or other large gatherings...)
She's addicted to her Paci (Trouble I know!)
And I have a feeling she'll be a drummer girl (following in Daddy's footsteps!) since she will bang on anything she can get her hands on....especially when she's tired!

As for me....

The past few months have been wild! Some days I feel like I'm super mom, while others I feel like I'm drowning. No matter how many times other mothers told me, I never quite knew how fiercely and ferociously I could love this little girl. How it would turn my whole world upside down and make me so happy, so sad, so uncomfortable, but so content,  depending on the time of day!

I honestly cannot imagine my world without her, even in just 6 short months. Funny how that works.

Well, until next time.... (I hope to keep this up on at least a monthly basis from now on....HOPEFULLY!)

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