Sunday, September 16, 2012

12 Weeks!

...And finally starting to feel better! Thank you Jesus!

How far along? 12 weeks, 3 days (in this week I'll catch up!)
Total weight gain/loss:8 lbs. (this question may be deleted soon...)
Maternity clothes? bought some online while they were on sale, that haven't come in yet! Currently using ye old rubber band trick to hold my jeans up!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping has recently made a turn for the worse! Seems like my days of "deep sleep" are gone for now...or ever.
Best moment this week: Seeing our precious little peanut on screen again! And this time he/she actually looked like a baby!
Miss Anything?Alcohol. Terrible I know, but it smells so good these days!
 Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Still all things spicy and/or salty. Banana peppers, pickles, buffalo wings, taco bell soft tacos (so weird because that's so not my typical order at The Bell)
Anything making you queasy or sick: coffee 
Have you started to show yet: popping out just a little...
Gender prediction: Boy
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: mostly happy!
Looking forward to:Finding out if it's a boy or girl, and feeling baby move around!

Doctor says baby looks great! But my placenta is a little low, so we're hoping it just moves up over time like it's suppose to.

Grow strong my little plum!!


  1. Good luck! I pray you have a safe and happy pregnancy. Welcome to motherhood!!

  2. Yay, Shanna!!! I'm soooo excited for you guys!! LOVE the cute blog and the even cuter pics of the hot Momma! :)

  3. Shan, your prayer post made me cry. Praying for you everyday.
    So excited.
