Sunday, September 23, 2012

14 Weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss:8 lbs. (no weight gain this week at the doc...WOO HOO!!!)
Maternity clothes? Still waiting on the ones I ordered to come in! Until then, it's maxi skirts and dresses all dang day for this girl!
Stretch marks? No, which reminds me, I gotta get some Bio Oil this week! While we're on the subject, Mommys, what was your favorite stretch mark remedy?
Sleep: Sleeping has been particularly rough this week, as I have developed a nasty cough, (Which I think is allergies) And the cough medicine I am allowed to take doesn't work at all!
Best moment this week: Hearing baby's heartbeat on the Doppler at my regular doctor's appointment. (Regular doc every 4 weeks, high-risk every 2....its bound to get confusing at some point)
Miss Anything? Sandwiches! (technically preggos shouldn't have them unless they're heated because the meat could carry Listeria) but I did cheat and have 3 finger sandwiches at a party yesterday...which only left me wanting more!
 Movement: Not yet!
Food cravings: Still all things spicy and/or salty. But I did crave my first sweet thing this week...MAGIC SHELL! I think I had ice cream with it on it every night this week, but I really only wanted the shell...and perhaps have considered eating it straight from the bottle at times (I haven't yet, for the record) 
Anything making you queasy or sick: coffee, the smell of paper towels!! (So weird I know, but my theory is that I spent so much time in the first trimester covering my mouth with them when I felt sick...that now they take me back to that time. Hahaha 
Have you started to show yet: definitely popping out more this week then 2 weeks ago, which is strange since I didn't gain weight... but I'll take it!
Gender prediction: Boy and my hubby just revealed he thinks it's a girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: definitely so moody this week. I cried super hard twice this week for no real reasons. Once watching Glee, (and nothing super emotional really happened...yet I cried for a solid 30 mins!!) The other was one night while battling the cough and my hubby got up and slept in the guest bed because I was keeping him up! When he walked out, I just sobbed and sobbed. I feel like I have a cry switch I can turn on and off at any time these days!
Looking forward to: Our gender-reveal party and of course finding out what peanut is, and feeling some kicks! 

Grow Strong my little lemon!


  1. I LOVE THIS BLOG!! P.S. Was it the glee that everyone broke up? Because I could not stop crying and was sure my bf was going to break up with me. (I did eventually stop crying and he did not break up with me)

  2. No, actually I cried at that one (hard!) a week later! The thing that set me off on this one was Kurt telling his dad bye when he was leaving for New York! Ridiculous! But the break up one was rough, I like to use pregnancy as an excuse, but that one would have gotten to me no matter what!
