Monday, December 31, 2012

28 Weeks!

How far along? 28 Weeks. (On Christmas Day!)

Total weight gain/loss:Still hanging on to 24 lbs. I actually had the worst sinus infection ever over the last 2 weeks, and well, when you can't taste anything, it doesn't really entice you to eat much...

Maternity clothes? Oh yes, but I still rock my pre-preggo sweaters and jackets, with only one or two [top] buttons buttoned. 

Stretch marks? Bio Oil all day. Still none spotted yet...

Sleep: Sucky, especially with the added discomfort of not being able to breathe through your nose...(Luckily, I am on antibiotics now and feeling much better!) 
Best moment this week: Well last week I got the diabetes test over with! No gestational diabetes...everyone get excited!! It actually wasn't that bad, just tasted like a flat Sunkist. Anyway, the best moments this week would have to be all of baby's movements! She is a wild woman in there! I find it particularly funny that if I sit a certain way on the sofa, I can pretty much count down like 15 minutes before she finds her favorite position...nuzzled right in my right rib cage!! It's so weird to see the right side of my belly practically bulge out like a tumor! I think I could watch all of her fluid movements all day. And even  though some are painful, all of this is so amazing! 
Miss Anything? Well, with it being New Years Eve and all, you know I have to say a good cocktail :-) And maybe a cute sparkly top. But don't yall worry, I'm still rocking a glittery little maternity top tonight! 


Food cravings: Practically everything in sight now that I can taste again!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really. Not even coffee. I have even been indulging in some Starbucks (with some Christmas gift cards!) Yet I still haven't mustered up the courage to drink home made coffee just yet...

Gender: Girl!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? Flat

Wedding rings on or off? On, still can't get them off!

Happy or Moody most of the time: So emotional this week. Just a big cry baby! Between being sick, being all sappy because of the holidays (I feel so blessed!), and the nursery coming together, I just can't contain myself! 
Looking forward to: Maternity pictures, showers, finishing up the nursery...birth :-)

Grow Strong my little eggplant!


And some nursery progress...

 You can't really tell from the pics, but it's painted this pretty pinkish brown color called "Meadow Pink!" And the empty spot next to the night stand is where the glider we ordered will go! We are hoping it will get here before Sailor since they said it could take up to 12 weeks, and well, I only have like 10. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 Weeks, 4 days. 

Total weight gain/loss: 24 lbs. My acid reflux was so bad last weekend, I couldn't keep anything down :-( it was horrible! Which likely explains the weight loss. But thanks to some wonderful mommy advice via Facebook, I think a combination of my prescription, tums, and a glass of milk at night has made it more manageable for now! Perhaps my suffering means Sailor will have a head full of dark hair...we shall see! 

Maternity clothes? Always. Funny story, I was very fortunate to get some great maternity hand-me downs from a friend of a friend,Summer, and while sorting through them with my non-pregnant friend, Stephanie, we made a "NO" pile, and had a good time laughing at some things thinking, "NO WAY!" Stephanie then suggested that I keep a few items I said,"NO WAY" to, because according to Summer (who has 3 kids), at some point I will get desperate. Fast forward to this past Thursday, when in desperate need for something warm, I sought out a big comfy sweater from the "NO Pile" and to tonight, as I sit here in the comfiest pair of huge pants I thought I'd never wear.

Stretch marks? Bio Oil all day!

Sleep: Sucks! Every night...SUCKS! Tossing and turning....tossing and turning. 
Best moment this week: Well, no doctor's appointments this week, but its been pretty great to peek into our newly painted nursery, with our newly assembled crib and changing table, courtesy of my sweet hubby! (still waiting on the dresser and night stand) Sometimes I just stand in there and imagine things a few months from now, other times I stand in there and get stressed out at how much is left to do! haha! 
Miss Anything? Cute outfits for the holidays! While browsing at Charming Charlie this weekend, (I can still splurge on jewelry!) I kept thinking, look at all these cute shirts for skinny people...must be nice!


Food cravings: Coke and milk! (Don't worry, not together!)

Anything making you queasy or sick: coffee, peanut butter (thanks to last weekend's acid reflux issues...)

Gender: Girl!

Labor Signs: No

Belly Button in or out? Flat, but not out! 

Wedding rings on or off? On, problem is they won't come off!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy I'd say. (Maybe this is a better question for my hubby!)
Looking forward to: Doing more stuff to the nursery, maternity pictures, showers, birth :-) 
All kinds of things!
Grow Strong my little head of lettuce!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

24 Weeks!

How far along? 24 Weeks, 5 days.
Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs!!! Yikes!! Thank you Thanksgiving! At my 23 week appointment I was at 21 forward one week (after Turkey Day...) and BAM! 25 LBS! My dream of only gaining 30 lbs seems to be dwindling! 
Maternity clothes? All day, every day. Well, except during the work week, my XS scrub pants still fit below my belly (HOLLA!) But my polo shirts are entirely too short, but being the stubborn Taurus that I am, I'm still rocking them, only with a long maternity tank underneath. I'm sure it looks ridiculous. 
Stretch marks? Bio Oil all day everyday baby! 
Sleep: Still sucky! I have got to get my butt off this sofa! I would say I accidentally fall asleep on here at least 3 days a week! And it is no bueno for my back!
Best moment this week:Well, back tracking a little...while in Arkansas over Thanksgiving (23 weeks) Will finally felt Sailor kick! And I was so relieved because I was so anxious for him to! She's tricky like her mama! Every time I'd put his hand on my belly...she'd stop. But now he's felt her a bunch! So has my mom, and mother in law! As for this week, the best moment had to have been seeing baby on screen again at my high-risk appointment, my mom came with me for the first time and it was so special to be able to share those moments with her. Also, I have been officially discharged as a high-risk patient (praise god!) My placenta moved right on up where it should be, and my cervix appears completely competent and able to maintain this pregnancy! Thank you for all the prayers.
Miss Anything? I know this might sound weird, but I will miss being high-risk. I got spoiled by all those I don't think I'll get another until probably the very end. I will also miss the doctor and staff there because they were so great!
Food cravings: Maybe my most bizarre one yet, but REAL COCA COLA! Doesn't sound so weird though right? But you see, I haven't had one in 5 1/2 years!! (I switched to Diet) But the other night leaving work it just hit me like a brick...I NEED A REAL FULL-SUGAR COKE RIGHT NOW! Fast forward to me in the Mickey D's drive thru... and  now, a terrible habit has formed.
Anything making you queasy or sick: coffee, my sweet sweet coffee! I will enjoy you again one day! 
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In, but getting shallower by the day (and by shallower, I mean I can no longer put my finger inside of's like FLAT!) But not out yet!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I may or may not have had a crazy lady crying fit last week in a Gordman's dressing room while struggling (hardcore) to put my boots back on. Thank you to my precious husband for (eventually) helping me be able to laugh it off...
Looking forward to: I just want to hold her so bad. Every time I see a baby being born on TV, I want our time to be NOW! But I know this bun has to bake a bit longer! And I'm ok with that ;-)

Grow Strong my little canteloupe!
